Text Clips
The following example demonstrates how to style text clips:
import * as core from '@diffusionstudio/core';
const thin = await FontManager.load({
family: 'Geologica',
weight: '300',
size: 19
const bold = await FontManager.load({
family: 'Geologica',
weight: '700',
size: 24
await composition.add(
new core.TextClip({
text: "The quick\nbrown fox jumps over the lazy dog.",
align: 'center',
baseline: 'middle',
font: bold,
maxWidth: '40%',
leading: 1.3,
glow: {
intensity: 1,
color: '#000000',
radius: 10,
opacity: 100,
stroke: {
width: 5,
color: '#000000',
lineJoin: 'round',
lineCap: 'round',
miterLimit: 4,
shadow: [
offsetX: 4,
offsetY: 5,
blur: 20,
color: '#000000',
opacity: 100,
offsetX: -8,
offsetY: -4,
blur: 20,
color: '#FFFFFF',
opacity: 90,
x: '50%',
y: '50%',
styles: [{
start: 0,
stop: 9,
style: {
font: thin,
color: '#0000FF',
casing: 'upper',
With the styles
property, you can define the styles you want to override for specific sections of the TextClip
We have loaded the web font from a predefined set of popular web fonts. You can also use custom web fonts like this:
const manager = new core.FontManager();
const roboto = await manager.load({
source: "https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/roboto/v32/KFOlCnqEu92Fr1MmSU5fBBc4AMP6lQ.woff2",
weight: '400',
family: 'Roboto'
or local fonts (in Chrome):
const local = await core.FontManager.localFonts();
const font = await manager.load(local[0].variants[0]);
For more examples, see examples .
Setting the align
and baseline
properties will adjust the anchor point, comparable to the transform-origin  in CSS.
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