Diffusion Studio


The Keyframe object is the core of animations. You can instantiate it like this:

import { Keyframe } from '@diffusionstudio/core';
const keyframe = new Keyframe(
  [0, 12],  // input range in frames
  [0, 100], // output range as numbers

Keyframes are always relative to the start of a Clip. In this example, a particular property will be 0 at frame 0 and 100 at frame 12. What happens after frame 12 is determined by the extrapolation behavior of the keyframe. The default is clamp, causing the value to stay between 0 and 100 outside the input range. Alternatively, extend will extrapolate the values beyond the input range.

Here is an example with all available properties:

const keyframe = new Keyframe(
  [0, 12],      // input range in frames
  [0, 2 * 360], // output range in degrees
    easing: 'easeIn',      // default is 'linear'
    extrapolate: 'extend', // default is 'clamp'
    type: 'degrees',       // default is 'number'

You can apply Keyframes to various properties such as:

  • Position x
  • Position y
  • Translate x
  • Translate y
  • Rotation
  • Opacity


In this example, multiple values of the Text Clip will be animated.

const text = new core.TextClip({
  text: 'Hello World',
  position: 'center',
  rotation: new core.Keyframe(
    [0,  15],
    [45, 360 * 2],
    { type: 'degrees' }
  translate: {
    x: 0,
    y: new core.Keyframe(
      [15, 30],
      [40, 0],
      { easing: 'easeIn' }
  alpha: new core.Keyframe(
    [0, 5], 
    [0, 1]
  scale: new core.Keyframe(
    [0,  10, 20], 
    [0.3, 1, 1.3]

Keyframes are not limited to just two values, you just need to make sure the lenght of the input range equals the lenght of the output range.

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